Thursday, September 29, 2005

Couple Additions!

Robby put up a Myspace for the band we're working on... he put it up but i guess IM maintaining it... check it out here:

Saturday Night Ritual

Annnd, I finally found a server to host my video files! Only downside is that there is a 10MB size limit per file, so I had to compress the video a bit more to get it to fit. Its a bit low quality but its still decent, check em out!

DasJesytr Media Vault!

Check back periodically for additions!

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Fuck our Troops?

WTF man...

Ive come across a few of these today. I realize you're always going to have people disagree with things, sometimes just for the sake of disagreeing with things— but is it wrong that I think people with this sort of position on something they know nothing about are morons?

For those of you who oppose the war: Fine, war isn't exactly the greatest example of humanity, but its natural. Oppose it, I do. I mean, i wish we could play a Mario Kart tournament to settle our differences with the world. It would accomplish about the same. But its just not going to happen, is it?

For those of you who hate the military: Fine, I can see that it would appear to be a gang or means of bullying the world around. As long as there are laws, there will be ways to enforce it. As long as people desire freedom, or to be left alone, there will always be people to help them. As long as there reasons to be afraid, there will people that will do anything to protect themselves for both now and the future, not just skirmish to skirmish.

For those of you who hate our troops: Go fuck yourself. What have you done lately, moreover, on a day to day basis, that is so special that you can justify hating your brothers and sisters? No... to hate people you dont even know? Normal people, just like you! Well, minus the spoiled mentality you've adopted from corporate america— which is probably one of the reasons you've "adopted" this position. You do realize that about 98% of people in the military aren't in it for war, right? Are you an activist? Are you some sort of priest? What? Or wait... lemme guess you're a fat fuck sitting at home i with an opinion on everything you know nothing about— just the shit you see on TV, the shit that the media has fed you. Completely oblivious to the well known fact that all large political countries are run completely on propaganda, that is, they tell you what you need to know in order to shift the opinion of the populous in either direction. And in war, that means to shift it back and forth to keep you confused.

Its not a f**king candyland we live in, here, either— eat, shit, sleep, and kill people. We're still honest hard working americans with average jobs (on our normal days), which is more than I could say for the typical troop hating, clueless bag of whiny shit that would make a post like that! I have an Idea... dedicate yourself to something that serves someone other than yourself, truely dedicate yourself— Make a commitment... TAKE AN OATH of loyalty to the country that spoils your dumb ass. Make a commitment and finish it— if you even know what it is to do such a thing... most of you morons cant even hold your own marriage together, then you turn on your troops... pffft. good game.

The truth is, you have no idea whats really going on so I suggest you rethink your convictions and quit downing the only people who have at least a small clue as to what is REALLY happening. Keep your mouth shut. We're just trying to make a living and set ourselves up for an easier life when we finally get out. The cause we fight for is a just one. The things that happen are unfortunate, but be aware... THERE IS A LOT MORE TO THE STORIES YOU HEAR... you have no idea. Obviously I cannot give examples... but anyway...

Lighten Up.

Saturday, September 24, 2005

30 Seconds to Mars

check em out. They're rock/experimental, Id say its bordering on emo but its something much more. Check these tunes out, couple of my favs:

1. A Beautiful Lie
2. Savior

Friday, September 23, 2005


Thursday, September 22, 2005

Chevelle Desktop!

I have 3 monitors... Chevelle has 3 members... coincedence? I think SO! Word... so I made a few wallpapers to accomodate this wonderful coincedence.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005


I finally got this thing setup. Suprisingly it was actually a bit of a pain in the butt. I had to screw with bios settings... for a dang monitor... wasn't hard, just a pain.

Anyway, two video cards: GeForce Ti4600 dual output and a GeForce FX 5500 dual output. The center monitor is a loan froma friend who got deployed. In the next month or two, I will replace the center LCD with one like the other two. I dont really like the center display, the colors arent quite as vibrant. When I replace it, i'll use the 4th output and turn it into a dynamic picture frame via wireless VGA and put it on a shelf somewhere =oD. Its mad convenient having 3 now =P

Also, I have a KVM switch that switches the center monitor, mouse and keyboard over to my Linux/Windows Server Box while the outside monitors continue on my XP box. So i can be working in linux and still see my messages and stuff. pwn3d?

Ahhh.. .me and my toys...

Monday, September 19, 2005

Chevelle concert was amazing!

Indeed it was.

The Band is f**king intense as hell and Pete Loeffler has a presence that you cant help react to with a loose display of hysteria resulting in whiplash (like i now have)... UGH! I dont even know how to explain how incredible they are live!

Taproot was great and some up and coming alt/rock/punk band called "The Black Maria" was there and I actually really liked them.

Anyway... wow...WOW, cant wait to see them again!!!!

Friday, September 16, 2005

Aw, Feck!

So our supervisor told me and my esteemed a collegue here that we'd be going home just as soon as we finished what we needed to do. He wouldn't let anything else come up that would hold us here... just finish the shit and GO HOME!! So like we finished our junk in a record time of 1.5 hours... when we come back in to let him know we were done... our supervisor is gone to the hospital because he started pass a kidney stone.

Aw, Feck!

He didn't pass the word on to anyone else in position to send us home, so now we're stuck here with nothing to do until the end of our shift. How sweet would it have been to work 2 hours and go home and get paid the same eh?

Thursday, September 15, 2005

A New Low

So I got paid today, but I dont have any money because the cash hit my account while I was at work... where I am right now actually. Anyway... i'm starving to death because dinner opened AFTER I needed to be at work. I had to improvise. The snack bar only takes cash and the only things that dont cost money are water, condiments and.... HOT DOG BUNS!

So there's this Bagel toaster by the CAMS room... I grabbed some hot dog buns, broke em up and stuffed them in there... I watched them carefully because I was sure I'd start a fire and it would be embarrassing to explain to my supervisor what the hell I was doing. Anyway... Hot Dog Bun Toast... was pretty good really. I think I'll have a few more.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Communication Skills...

So, I got in a shouting match with my supervisor today which probably wasn't too wise... they frown on that type of that thing in the military.

Anyway, he chewed my ass over a miscommunication on his part that resulted in a whopping extra 15 minutes of work which in all reality wasn't "extra" because it took place during our 8 hour work period. We had nothing else to do, the people involved in the "extra" work didn't even care, but my supervisor made it look like the world was coming to and end and that I deserved to be talked to the way that he did.

I didn't agree with any of this and he wasn't letting it be just a 'miscommunication' he HAD to make it look like it was because I just wasn't following his directions which were dictated in a foreign language as far as I'm concerned. Anyway... we had at each other and then he came around and we made up and got over it about 20 minutes later.

Back to work...

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

New Cell Phone?

So I'm thinking very seriously about upgrading my phone to the Treo 650. You know me and my toys... the bugger is like $400 on average, but I've seen it as low as $350 on eBay brand new. Not much less than that, even used.

The thing is awesome! I'm more of a Pocket PC guy than I am a Palm guy but I think I like this, click here to learn about the thing. The only downside I can see besides the Palm OS is the lack of BlackBerry feature... which in case you didn't know is the ability to be ALWAYS on the net, so your email comes in real time as well as other things...

Anyway... I might get it this weekend if I win this bid =P

Monday, September 12, 2005

Chevelle This Weekend!!

Chevelle with Taproot this Sunday in Scottsdale, whoooo's going?!

Click Here to buy tickets...NOW!

Sunday, September 11, 2005

The New Girl

Well, some were curious, so I thought I'd post a pic of the new girlfriend. Here's Sarah =P

Kinda funny story how it happened actually. But to make it short and not quite as funny:

Basically, it turned out she's had a crush on me more or less since she met me about 7 months ago when I first PCS'd here from Texas. I never knew! She always thought that she wasn't my type or that I didn't like her that way or whatever, so she never said anything to me about it. Anyway, I always thought she was cute and pretty cool... and when I would drink on the weekend, that would come out. She always assumed I would only hit on her because I was drunk. This went on for months and months...

Later on down the line, her and I were starting to get really close and right about when I was going to ask her out, she hooked up with a friend of mine(who at the time ,I didn't even know), Kevin. I was like "Doh!". Anyway, needless to say, they broke up soon after. Maybe a month or two after that, she got word that I was actually interested in her and was going to ask her out before the Kevin thing — she was a little annoyed by that fact! She then started to persue me quite vigilantly, actually. I'm impressed, I dont think I've ever been persued like this before.

She turned out to be quite perfect for me really! We like all the same things, music, movies, views on life and where we're going with it... she's very low maintenance... I mean... I could sit here playing video games and she's perfectly content sitting there watching me. I try not to do that of course, but it is nice to have that freedom. Hard to find someone that can put up with my shit so well. As you can see from the pic, she totally babies me... and she's a total ego-trip! She going to make my head so big it explodes by the end of the month! But really, I feel quite comfortable around her... I dont feel like I need to be someone that I'm not just to keep her happy. Thats the dream, right? I wonder where this will go... cres.

Drumming Videos

Cox keeps changing my IP, so I upped the vids to this server:

Check em out!

The Camping and Tattoo vid

Cox keeps changing my IP, so I upped the vids to this server:

Check em out!