Some thoughts concerning women
This is actually a reply to a blog from one of my myspace friends. I wante dto share this because it might help some people understand me with how I act when I go out on the town when dealing with women. I dont think this is very well written, but its a rant, so that shouldn't matter.
I dont think of only sex. Not anymore, Ive given up on it. Its actually not anywhere in my courting process. Honest. I've decided that the type of girl that would put out early in a relationship or prior to a relationship is also the same girl that will ultimately either fuck me over or go stupid on me.
I used to be chivalrous. I used to be the nice guy. And we all know how that turned out. Then I was the asshole. I no longer trusted women. Sex was the first priority. I did that for a while, had my fun and was left unfulfilled. Then I found someone, spent 4 and half years with her and never slept with her that whole time because it conflicted with her religion (premarital sex) and Im ok with that. Loved her more than anything. Her senior year at ASU, she met someone else and decided to marry him. Again I lose.
I am no loser. I think i'm a decent looking guy. I'm fun. I'm easy going. I have a lot going for me as far as the normal ins and outs of life go. I dont have trouble finding a girl, but ive recently chosen not to [find one]. I have a lot of friends. Blah blah so this isn't a plea for nice guys, because most 'nice guys' are pussies. ANyway....
Nowadays this is where I stand. I dont fucking care. I dont care how hot you are, I dont care whether or not you're gonna have sex with me now, in a while or ever. I dont care if you party, smoke or what-the-fuck-ever. I'm not going to hit on you. I'm not going to go out of my way to make you happy. I'm not going coax you into dressing sexier, having dinner with me. I have no interest in making a conscious effort to "further" my status with you. I'm not going to 'do' much of anything! I could go on for days on WHY this is, and its probably not what you think.
However, I WILL talk with you. I will go out with you or meet up with you somewhere. Help you if you ask for it. I will be truthfully fucking honest with you. I will be a friend first. I will hope first not that I like you, or that you like me— only that we dont hate each other. I will go with the flow.
This may seem scatter-brained, but thats how I feel about the whole subject. Women in general are just as much a fake bag of shit as we men are. I'm not going to defend either side or justify anything. Sarah, you're very attractive so you're going to rock the laws of probability when dealing with the decentGuy/Dirtbag thing. Going lesbian isn't necessarily an answer to it all, I think its a cop out. But I do feel your frustration.
Where you get fed up with these "typical" guys trying to get up on you, trying to impress you in the lameass traditional way of flexing those arms and that wallet or revving that engine or other means of exercising their testosterone; I get fed up with women dressing like whores and trying to filter out the average joe schmoe in attempts to find that guy I just described. Shallow, excessive, whorish, hedonistic bitches. All they want is to have fun. Every form of fun and nothing else. These people end up spoiling themselves and nothing is good enough anymore. Like 98% of the women I talk to are just like this. Its exhausting. Of course I love a good time, but thats not everything that I am. I also like to do things that better myself— You know what? I'm not even going to continue with that, because this isn't about me.
Here are my quick simple points and I'm off:
- Not all men are shitty. Dont judge us by our worse specimens. I know you get a lot of them, but its like beer. You gotta drink through the head to get the good stuff. Or learn how to pour it better. lol No, really...
- I agree with you on the side rant about the under 18 girls. nuff said.
- No i dont hate women now and i'm not going gay. i wouldn't even consider myself bitter, just weathered. i dont think you should either. :)
- You make it sound like you deal with this on a minute by minute basis. thats so lame. i hope that changes for you. especially if it really is that bad.
I'm off... if youve read all the way to the end of this, i'm flattered, impressed and surprised and I hope you choose to reply. If not... well, cool whatever. late
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