Wednesday, March 01, 2006


From time to time I stop to think about the bigger picture. The city i live in, the country i grew up in, the earth that nurtures me, and the universe that elludes me. It is in these thoughts that I come to understand beauty in its best example, unconditional.

I stop to think about areas of the world that still have bright clean sand and shore an enormous blue sea. So large that you cant see where it ends, outwards or deepwards. I dont think to myself logically, I dont remember the fact that I KNOW it ends somewhere, I just admire it for what I see. Something with beauty so vast, that it still remains to be one thing that man cannot replicate. Born of chance and time.

I think about the universe so large and unknown. So large that you cant even cope with the concept of where it BEGINS, let alone where it ends. So large that a probe traveling at over 1 million miles per day has just recently left the area where our sun has any physiological influence— 28 years later, and now 8.7 billion miles away from its home. So far for so long and still has about 10 years to enter what we call interstellar space.

I think about uniquity of thought and dreams. How, no matter what our society conditions us to believe, know or prefer, everyone still dreams about unique desires and aspirations— violating everything they know to be "true". Dreams, I think, must be some of the most unconditionally beautiful things conceivable. They know no bounds, push us forward, and inspire us to live... provided of course that never cease to appreciate them.

I laugh at myself as I write this because it seems so hippyish of me. But the truth is, I feel the world has begun lose its sense of what true beauty is. I consider true beauty to be one of those things that you cannot avoid. They are unexplainable phenomena that will always take your breath away. You cant avoid these things, they dont grow old and wrinkle or wither away or die. You didn't make these things with your hands or buy them at a store, or meet them in a bar. They are just beautiful, amazing things plain and simple... as it were.

There's a scene at the end of The Shawshank Redemption where Red meets Andy on the beach. At this point, the entire past 40 years of their lives finally have meaning. They are redeemed as living, breathing, intelligent people with dreams and hopes that— no matter how hard they tried, the harsh prison life couldnt take it from them. As the camera zooms out, it shows them hugging in reunion with an empty beach and a endless blue ocean for them to live out the rest of their lives. Everytime I watch this movie, that scene reminds of how much life there still is to be lived. No matter how much I've been through, no matter how much I know, or seen, or dreamed, there is so much more waiting to be discovered. Life isn't limited to the world around you, theres a whole universe of thought and dreams to be adored. And it all starts will appreciating what true beauty real is.


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