Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Communication Skills...

So, I got in a shouting match with my supervisor today which probably wasn't too wise... they frown on that type of that thing in the military.

Anyway, he chewed my ass over a miscommunication on his part that resulted in a whopping extra 15 minutes of work which in all reality wasn't "extra" because it took place during our 8 hour work period. We had nothing else to do, the people involved in the "extra" work didn't even care, but my supervisor made it look like the world was coming to and end and that I deserved to be talked to the way that he did.

I didn't agree with any of this and he wasn't letting it be just a 'miscommunication' he HAD to make it look like it was because I just wasn't following his directions which were dictated in a foreign language as far as I'm concerned. Anyway... we had at each other and then he came around and we made up and got over it about 20 minutes later.

Back to work...


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